I added the “Boy Who Got No Dinner” as a slideshow on my homepage. It’s right below the main image, so just scroll down. Then, I moved the old slideshow to the “tutorials” page. I want to continue in this comedy AND tutorial direction a while still. The technical tutorial assignments are how I plan to fund my creative comedy endeavors (industrial videos and photo shoots). I am starting to finally get familiar with all of my new equipment, and after I get a new super powerful computer next quarter, I am confident that I can truly do a good job at both aspects- Comedy skits and Industrial type tutorials. I don’t want to combine the two though, necessarily- other than where they are found- my website/portfolio. Plus, I do all my own work on my motorcycle and van, I just need to start documenting it pictorially. I really like the obtuse direction my website and brand is in and want to defend it (it is distinct and acute enough being in those two directions). I just need to start pumping out material. And, when I can’t think of anything comedic, I’ll go out and document my bike maintenance. Hopefully, I can even add some paid industrial productions to the “technical” aspect of my portfolio.
KYLE, Dec 11 at 10:07pm